
1:1 Sessions

Personal Connection 

Every client interaction begins with understanding your unique story. We listen, empathize, and offer tailored practical support, ensuring you feel seen, heard, and valued throughout your healing journey.

Guided Support

Utilizing expert insights and shared experiences, we will guide you through tailored strategies and resources. Our approach is rooted in compassion, aiming to empower you on your grief journey.

Continuous Growth

 We believe in healing as an ongoing journey. Through continuous support, community engagement and personal reflection, we help you navigate the complexities of grief, fostering resilience and strength. 

Session Fee:

$225 for a 1 hour session. 

Book 3 sessions – save $50.

Book 6 sessions – save $150. 

Each session will provide you with structured, practical advice and resources on how to navigate your grief journey. If you have questions or concerns related to legal, financial or family matters, or are simply feeling overwhelmed with the weight of your grief, you’ll find some grief coaching sessions incredibly helpful. If you’d like to speak with a licensed grief therapist, we can help you find one that would be a good match. And if you’re located in Ontario, Canada, we can refer you to our recommended psychotherapists who specialize in helping people navigate grief at midlife. 

All fees are in USD and are non-refundable. If you’re from Canada, HST is included in our fee. 48 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Book a session here. Or if you have  questions about whether grief coaching can help you, book a 15 minute free discovery call with me here. 

“Grief is love with no place to go.”

– Unknown

Try Our Make PEACE™

Group Coaching Program

What is it?

 Our signature Make PEACE™ Group Coaching Program is for people looking to feel supported in their grief journey in a small, safe and intimate community setting. It’s a safe place to get practical advice, information and resources related to legal, financial and estate/family matters, help with navigating home care, downsizing or personal care issues, caregiving challenges, end-of-life support and much more. 

How does it work?

 A maximum of 8 people are accepted into this program on any given month.  Group coaching sessions are held online via Zoom for up to 1.5 hours and are structured on a topic with significant Q & A time. The sessions are recorded. If you miss a group coaching call, simply drop us an email to get access to the recording. Group coaching session recordings are not posted online to respect and maintain client confidentiality. To get the most healing benefits of this program, you are encouraged to attend each coaching call in real time.

The Make PEACE™ Group Coaching Program gives you access to 6 live group coaching sessions, once a month for six months. It also includes everything offered in the Membership Program for six months, access to special bonus podcasts episodes and full access to our online self-paced grief recovery courses for six months. 

How much does it cost? Benefits?

Our 6-month group coaching program costs $1,299 USD. It offers great value, access to our full membership resources, and it’s a cost-effective alternative to booking individual sessions. Additional individual 1:1 coaching sessions are often not needed because our group coaching sessions are 90 minutes long, and are structured in a format that allows for ample direct support from myself or one of our highly qualified coaches. The small community setting is incredibly supportive and nurturing, and where we can learn from each other too.

Looking for a payment plan? Contact me here for details. 

Want a more budget-friendly option?

Join the Seniors Grief Circle by becoming a member. Our warm, compassionate and caring community is here to assure you that you’re not alone in your grief journey. Cost? Just $19.95/month (USD), it’s our Introductory Special which will increase in a few months or as soon as we reach 100 members. Lock in now at our deeply discounted rates. Pay month-to-month or for the entire year. Cancel anytime, of course (no refunds). 

“We bereaved are not alone.

We belong to the largest company in all the world – the company of those who have known suffering.”

– Helen Keller

Meet Our Grief Coaches

Karen Sibal, MA, FMCHC - Founder, Seniors Grief Circle

Karen has over 15 years of experience working with older adults, including 7 years in family counselling. She is certified in functional medicine, positive psychology and Eastern (Ayurvedic) lifestyle teachings and is an internationally acclaimed grounding expert. Having lost 6 elder family members since 2020 and having dealt with estrangement from her immediate family members, her insights can help you on your grief journey. Book a free 15 minute discovery call here.

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Reach Out!

Don’t navigate your grief alone. Our doors are always open for a conversation, support, or simply a listening ear. Join our mailing list and take the first step towards healing.